Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Grandgirls

Last Saturday the grandgirls came over to spend the afternoon with the grandparents while Denise and Tommy picked their football drafts. We had lots of fun together. I am going to be teaching Mikaela piano lesson this next year so we got a jump start on her first lesson. It was a little challenging to have a piano lesson though while Elise decided to learn how to climb the stairs. Mikaela assured me that she never tries to climb the stairs while at the very moment Elise had her eyes on the stairs. We decided to spot her while she took her debut ascent. Oh, she was so proud of herself and thought it was great fun. We also had some swing time, played a game of Whoonu, took a walk, braided Mikaela's hair, played outside and had one of Mikaela's favorite meals - lasagna from Valentino's - not to mention that it is one of Grandma's favorite meals also. I hope that the girls had fun - I know that I did.
Mikaela ready for her first piano lesson. Elise is determined to make it to the top. Mikaela and Elise in the backyard. Elise is off that blanket in about 2 seconds Mikaela and the giant cosmos.Elise loves to swing - you can tell by her smiles.

We found this giant frog in the window well.

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