Wednesday, September 3, 2008

End of Summer

It is with mixed feelings that the last week of summer break has come and gone. It was a wonderful summer for me. One of the biggest blessing was doing a Bible study on the book of Ephesians. I had been wanting to learn and understand that book a little better and found an on-line study that started the first Monday of summer vacation. I do not feel at all that it was a coincidence. The last lesson in that study takes place on Friday of this week. Wow - it was 65 lessons on a book which has six chapters packed with amazing truths for the child of God. I have been tremendously blessed as a result.

Other things that I especially enjoy about summer is the relaxed schedule - sleeping in a little longer, eating lunch on the deck, reading, sewing, practicing piano, flower gardening, lunch with friends, going for evening walks, to name some. I am thankful to have this time to enjoy.

On the other hand I do enjoy my job so when the summer was winding down I felt OK about going back to school. The week so far, (only two days), has been good. I enjoy seeing my friends from school and it has been fun to see the students again. I pray that I will be a blessing to those I come in contact with and God will use me there.

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