Monday, September 15, 2008

Weekend Fun

This past weekend we celebrated the completion of a full week of school. That is a mile marker for those who work in the school setting. Friday evening Denise and Tom came over with the girls, Mikaela, Elise, Katelyn and Maggie: (Katelyn is one of Mikaela's neighborhood friends). They stopped at Chipotle and picked up food which was enjoyed by all

Kathryn was babysitting for her friends that evening, so we got to enjoy Hannah who is almost four month old for the evening. She seemed so tiny compared to Elise. We enjoyed her cute little smiles.

We got the bouncy seat out for Hannah to sit in and she rather enjoyed it. Elise loved sitting in that seat as an infant so when Hannah had her fill of it Elise decided to try it out again. She still liked it.

Saturday I was busy doing chores and shopping. In the morning there was a ladies event at church which was very enjoyable. I got to meet Susie Larsen, author and speaker, it was a great time and we were challenged to be "An Uncommon Woman" which is the title of her book. I got my own autographed copy.

This week is now underway and it looks like it might get a little busy. I am looking forward to meeting with my birthday bunch tomorrow evening. It will be a special dinner as Karen will be moving away within the next month and won't be able to join us at least on a regular basis for a while. God has been so good to give me good times with these friends. Before I know it the weekend will roll around again.

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