Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rocky Mountain National Park - Days 3-5

We left Grand Island Sunday morning and made our way to Colorado. We arrived at our destination mid afternoon.

This is the road up to Estes Park where we are staying this week. I was able to get one picture before the battery died on my camera. It was a series of twists and turns through the mountainside - Very pretty to look at but not so much fun to be doing the driving.

We arrived at the Eagle Cliff House where we are staying this week and Brian met us there shortly after. This picture is taken on the front porch.

Monday was Dan's birthday and we went to Botanical center in Denver for the day. It was a chance for Brian to do something away from the park and we were trying aclimate a little bit to the higher elevation. The weather was a quite warm and sunny that day and the flowers were really pretty. We got to see some of the same ones that we are growing at home and some that we tried to grow but couldn't

We stopped on the way home in Boulder and ate at one of our favorite places - Old Chicago

After returning to Estes Park we went to see where Brian lives. It is a cute litte cabin with a great view and a babbling brook running right along side of it.

Both evenings so far that we have been here we went to the park for an interpretive lecture. The first night the presentation was about life on the alpine tundra and last night about the weasel and how it survives through all the climate changes that the park experiences. Thus ends the day on Monday.

On Tuesday - day five we drove the Trail Ridge Road. We went up to the ridge through Old Falls Road - a narrow, one way road that winds through the mountain side. We stopped several times and took a couple side hikes seeing all kinds of flowers and birds plus a few other critters. Here are a few of the views that we got to see.

We ended up at the Alpine Visitors Centers where Dan and Brian continued up another path to the furthest place to go. Here they are at the top.

We have been having a great time and I am amazed at the creation that we see all around us. I thank the Lord for his goodness in giving all this beauty to enjoy.

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