Monday, August 4, 2008

School Shopping Once Again

I had the pleasure this past weekend of going school shopping once again. Mary was here from Iowa along with Katelyn and Dakota. They came up for the birthday party and then spent the weekend here with us. Between Friday morning and Saturday we had bought nine pairs of pants for Dakota and ended up taking five pairs back. It seems that each place we went the prices were cheaper and the selection better. In the end, he got some nice pants for school with a pair of shorts thrown in for fun. Katelyn was on a mission for skirts and we were able to find a nice selection between several stores. Both are set for school to start. We enjoyed a stop at the coffee shop, a couple of bon fires with smores thrown in, and more food to eat than necessary so we also took a nice walk to balance it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so much more fun going with you. We all enjoyed it and had a great time. As you know, Dakota will always enjoy a bonfire with you! Thanks for putting up with us!