Friday, December 26, 2008

Reflecting on Christmas 08

The day after Christmas has a feel all its own, quiet, cluttered, a time to regroup and a time to reflect. We had a wonderful time together as a family and I cherish the fact that we were all together. We started the day with coffee and homemade cinnamon rolls.

Elise tried the cinnamon rolls, passed on the coffee, enjoyed her banana and bottle.

Mikaela is waiting to get the show on the road, very patiently I might add.

After reading the Christmas story we commenced with the gift opening. Having a one year old this year was really lots of fun. Ellie got so excited and loved what everyone was getting.

Ellie opening her first gift. She was catching on that inside this wrapping there was neat stuff, sometimes even toys. Elise had fun helping to pass out the gifts. This one was for her Mommy. Kathryn waiting her turn.

A little tradition that I started with Mikaela last year is to get her a place setting of dishes. This is the pattern chosen for this year. Just a few hours later she was putting it to good use and had her Christmas dinner on them.

Tommy and Denise taking a little break in all the action.

Denise modeling her new apron.

Dan and his new cross country skis. They were really hard to wrap in case you were wondering.

Brian and his treasure. Pretty much everything he got had to do with hiking or climbing. Here he is pictured with his new climbing cam, a device which goes into a crack in the side of the mountain and then is released to fill the space and then the climber can secure himself to the mountain. If you don't understand my explanation you can talk to him.

The "after presents are opened" look with gift wrap and boxes scattered all around. After presents the kids play a game of Skipbo.

As the day rolls by everyone starts to get a little hungry. As is our tradition we have a rib roast on Christmas day and though we try hard to put the roast in to be ready at a given time the tendency is for the roast to get done when "it" feels like it. We were suppose to eat at 2:00 but the internal temperature of the roast was like 90 degrees so we were waiting awhile. Elise got in a little nap and when she woke up it was about done. Here she is waiting in her high chair for her dinner. As it turned out she didn't really eat very well but had several servings of ketchup.

The rest of us were a little bigger eaters. We enjoyed a wonderful meal together.

And here is what we waited for. It was worth the wait - oh so yummy. We won't get this again until next Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Thoughts

From eternity past God's plan for our redemption was in his mind. Such an amazing thought to think that even though God knew there would be a price to pay for our salvation He created us and still longed to have a relationship with puny mankind. When the time was right God executed his plan.

Galatians 4:4
But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

God planned every single detail of His son's miraculous birth. The young virgin Mary, Joseph, the angels, the shepherds, Zachariah the priest, Anna and Simeon, the innkeeper, Herod, the star of the east, the census, and the wisemen with their gifts. He did all of this because we were in his mind.

At a later point in time God planned that his dear son would hang on a cross and shed his blood for the one time, all sufficient payment for sin.

At another point in time God revealed himself to me. It is through Him that we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with all wisom and understanding.

As I ponder the birth of the baby in the manger I do not have words to express the wonder of that gift. Thank you dear Lord for your grace lavished upon me and for your love to bring to completion the work you are doing.

Until the time that God brings to fulfillment all things in heaven and on earth under one head I give you the praise and the glory.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Family Gatherings

It is December and it seems to want to snow and snow, we even got to have a snow day on Friday which was nice. Even nicer it was the start of our winter break. Mary, Dee and the family came Friday on the way home from Renee's graduation from Bethel University. They were to stay the weekend but unfortunately they left this morning due to incoming blizzard warnings. We did get to have an evening together anyway.

All of our family members were here last night but not at the same time. Tom and Denise needed to leave early to take Elise into urgent care as she was coughing and having a little trouble breathing. They found out she had pneumonia so it was good they took her in. Brian wasn't able to make it until later but at least everyone was here at some point in the evening.

We had supper which consisted of chicken enchilada casserole, salad, chips and salsa, an assortment of cookies, peanut clusters and homemade caramels. It was pretty yummy.

We haven't celebrated Christmas with them for several years but since we were together we decided to have a little celebration.After supper we opened gifts and played several rounds of charades.

Katelyn and Renee in the hat and scarves that Aunt Joy made for them.
Kathryn and her new Fiesta Ware bowl.

Dee and Dakota got one of their favorite snacks - jerky and dill pickles

Dan will be jiving to his new Fiddler on the Roof sound track.

Mary - pretty in her new pink sweater. When we were shopping in November she wanted to buy this sweater but decided she wouldn't. It was the perfect opportunity for me to go back and get it for her.

Joy got these cool Fiesta Ware glasses. I had admired them when shopping so Mary remembered and got those for me. Thank you Mary - I love them. She knows I also love Yankee candles.

Mikaela got a game of kid charades. We didn't wait long to play - a really fun time was had as we acted out various things. In fact we were so good at this game that not once did we get stumped.

Mikaela really got into this - she is a super good charader. As you can see this was a three word clue.

Katelyn was creative in her clue giving.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Winter has arrived in its fullness here in MN. and with it comes the busy holiday season. Dan's mom was here for about a week from Indiana and it was nice to have some time to visit with her. She had an opportunity to get acquainted with Elise. We had a very nice Thanksgiving day here with lots of good food.

I knew that this last week was going to be a busy one as there was a ladies Christmas party at church on Tuesday and Mikaela's Christmas concert at school was on Thursday. The students who want to have the opportunity to have a recital and she played Away in the Manger.

Little did I know that Monday was going to take a twist of its own. I have been a driver for 34 years and never had an accident or a ticket until this week. Oops, on my way home from work on Monday I managed to obliterate that standing and was involved in a rear end accident that unfortunately was my fault. All in all, it wasn't a bad accident as no one was hurt and only my van and ego were damaged but it did necessitate us needing a new vehicle as the extent of damage equalled the value of our van.

Dan who is my hero in all this handled the details at the scene, with the insurance company, and shopped for a new van. By Friday evening we were able to purchase a new van and I feel very blessed.

I guess there are lessons to be learned in every situation of life. Having said that I learned it all would be a far cry from the truth. One thing that has been impressed upon me in the last months is that God's word is absolute truth so when I was feeling bad and discouraged about it I remembered that we are suppose to give thanks in all things and not to be anxious and that God's peace will fill us. Since this is truth, I needed to claim that promise, trust God to work all things out in my life and his peace did fill my mind. I wish I could have done that without struggle but my life is a work in progress.

Just as an additional side note, Brian and his friend Greg did hike a portion of the Superior Trail but are taking a week or so off. Greg is having a problem with his ankle and he needed some recuperation. They hope to finish it yet but are going to do section by section. I am thankful they were kept safe.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Brian and His Adventure

Don't tell Brian that it is December.

This is the time of year when most people settle in and begin to hibernate for the winter. There are also exceptions to every rule and some are ramping it up instead of settling down. One such person is my son, Brian. He and his friend, Greg are leaving tonight to hike the Superior Trail. They have prepared 16 different food packages and tomorrow will be spent hanging them along the trail in strategic locations. Starting Monday they will begin at the north end of the trail and plan to hike the whole 200 miles and then turn around and hike back to where they began, completing the hike by December 20.

Traveling light is what it is all about. Not counting food, their packs are weighing no more than 16 pounds and that includes everything a hiker would need for the journey. I am wondering how many pounds my pack might weigh if I were taking off for a 20 day hike? I suppose the essentials of life would take on a new meaning but since I kind of like the comforts of home I guess I will never know.

As a mom, you can know for sure that I will be trusting the Lord to give me peace and will be praying for God to watch over and care for my hiker son.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


It is the beginning of the Thanksgiving week and traditionally this is a time to reflect on the blessings we have recieved. God has been good to provide abundantly for our daily needs but how he has provided for our spiritual needs is even more awesome.

  • He knew and loved me before creation and desires a relationship with me. Ephesians 1:4
  • He planned my redemption by sending His son to be the satisfactory payment for my sins. Ephesians 1:7
  • He has promised to never leave or forsake me. Hebrews 13:5
  • He has promised to work all things together for good in my life. Romans 8:28
  • He will complete the work that has begun in my life. Philipians 1:6
  • He has promised to supply my needs. Philipians 4:19
  • He has given me everything I need for life and Godliness. 2 Peter 1:3
  • He has promised me a mansion in heaven with Him. John 14:2
  • He has promised victory. 1 John 5:4-6
  • He has sealed me with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30

These and many more are the great and precious promises that have been given to those who believe. If you know Christ I hope that you will rejoice with me in all of God's goodness. If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ I pray that God will work in your heart and bring you to a knowledge of Him. There is nothing greater than to know God.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shoe Box Shopping

Tonight Mikaela and I went shopping for a shoe box of treasures to send to a child that lives in a third world country for Christmas. Operation Christmas child is an organization that heads this endeavor and thousands of boxes are sent every year to needy children. We shopped together last year as well and had a really fun time together.

Before starting out on our shopping endeavor we stopped by our favorite restuarant, Valentinos, and ordered our favorite meal, lasagna so that we would be ready to shop.
After having a delicious supper of lasagna and garlic rolls we headed out to the perfect store to buy lots of treasures that a young girl might want.

This Dollar Store is really big and has almost anything you could want.

We took the shoe box into the store with us. Last year we just put things in the basket and we ended up not being able to fit everything in the box.

This is our treasure stash. We got note cards, play dough, band aids, tooth brush and toothpaste, hair brush, wash cloth, small towel, daily planner, a squishy toy, some pencils, tape, a craft kit, and a slinky toy. The total came to $19. That is a pretty good bargain I would say. I pray that it will be a blessing to the child who receives it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Getting Started

This past weekend my sister Mary came up to Rochester and we had a shopping/baking weekend. There was no school on Friday so she took a day off work too and we enjoyed a "sisters weekend" together.

Arriving mid day on Friday we refueled our bodies at Valentino's before starting out on our trek through several stores. Our main purpose was to have fun and in the process we both got started on our Christmas shopping. We finally slowed down about 9:30 that night after hitting quite a few stores.
Checking out some cool journals from Hobby Lobby.

These are the fruits of our shopping endeavor. We of course, had to leave everything concealed in packages, beacuse as you know "it is the time of year for secrets."

Saturday was our baking day. We made cinnamon rolls and tea rings. Our men came to the rescue for us when we rolled them out and realized we didn't have any cinammon. Off to the store they went and came home with the necessary ingredient for cinammon rolls.

These were actually our ginger bread boys, they just got made into stars instead.

My niece who lives in the cities came down for the afternoon and there was time for a game of "Settlers" with her family.

Mary brought her mixer along too. We ended up with a nice supply of goodies.

Saturday was a rather cold and snowy day. We looked out at the little pond in our backyard to find a whole flock of geese taking a little rest on the migration south. We counted over 30 geese. It was cool to watch them swoop in for the landing. Normally we only see ducks on the pond except at this time of the year.

Friday, November 7, 2008

We Are Truly Empty Nesters

Yesterday was a big day in Kathryn's life as she closed on her first home and moved in on the same day. She bought a cute house in Albert Lea with a view of the lake. With a couple of pick-up loads and our van she was able to get her things moved in.
Kathryn found a piano on Craiglist and was able to purchase it with money she had received as a graduation gift. The cost of the piano and the amount of the gift were exaclty the same.

Her dining room has two of these built in hutches.

We got her pots and pans unpacked and put away on these pull outs in her cupboard.Her living room has some nice built ins for entertainment enjoyment. When you look out these windows there is a nice view of the lake.

After a long day having a made up bed is very comforting.

Dan was checking out the "relaxing factor"of her new home.

When I got up this morning it was still a little dusky outside but the snow was falling and I caught a few pictures. It was very still and so pretty.

A beautiful morning. Thank you God for your creative beauty!