Sunday, December 7, 2008


Winter has arrived in its fullness here in MN. and with it comes the busy holiday season. Dan's mom was here for about a week from Indiana and it was nice to have some time to visit with her. She had an opportunity to get acquainted with Elise. We had a very nice Thanksgiving day here with lots of good food.

I knew that this last week was going to be a busy one as there was a ladies Christmas party at church on Tuesday and Mikaela's Christmas concert at school was on Thursday. The students who want to have the opportunity to have a recital and she played Away in the Manger.

Little did I know that Monday was going to take a twist of its own. I have been a driver for 34 years and never had an accident or a ticket until this week. Oops, on my way home from work on Monday I managed to obliterate that standing and was involved in a rear end accident that unfortunately was my fault. All in all, it wasn't a bad accident as no one was hurt and only my van and ego were damaged but it did necessitate us needing a new vehicle as the extent of damage equalled the value of our van.

Dan who is my hero in all this handled the details at the scene, with the insurance company, and shopped for a new van. By Friday evening we were able to purchase a new van and I feel very blessed.

I guess there are lessons to be learned in every situation of life. Having said that I learned it all would be a far cry from the truth. One thing that has been impressed upon me in the last months is that God's word is absolute truth so when I was feeling bad and discouraged about it I remembered that we are suppose to give thanks in all things and not to be anxious and that God's peace will fill us. Since this is truth, I needed to claim that promise, trust God to work all things out in my life and his peace did fill my mind. I wish I could have done that without struggle but my life is a work in progress.

Just as an additional side note, Brian and his friend Greg did hike a portion of the Superior Trail but are taking a week or so off. Greg is having a problem with his ankle and he needed some recuperation. They hope to finish it yet but are going to do section by section. I am thankful they were kept safe.

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