Saturday, December 20, 2008

Family Gatherings

It is December and it seems to want to snow and snow, we even got to have a snow day on Friday which was nice. Even nicer it was the start of our winter break. Mary, Dee and the family came Friday on the way home from Renee's graduation from Bethel University. They were to stay the weekend but unfortunately they left this morning due to incoming blizzard warnings. We did get to have an evening together anyway.

All of our family members were here last night but not at the same time. Tom and Denise needed to leave early to take Elise into urgent care as she was coughing and having a little trouble breathing. They found out she had pneumonia so it was good they took her in. Brian wasn't able to make it until later but at least everyone was here at some point in the evening.

We had supper which consisted of chicken enchilada casserole, salad, chips and salsa, an assortment of cookies, peanut clusters and homemade caramels. It was pretty yummy.

We haven't celebrated Christmas with them for several years but since we were together we decided to have a little celebration.After supper we opened gifts and played several rounds of charades.

Katelyn and Renee in the hat and scarves that Aunt Joy made for them.
Kathryn and her new Fiesta Ware bowl.

Dee and Dakota got one of their favorite snacks - jerky and dill pickles

Dan will be jiving to his new Fiddler on the Roof sound track.

Mary - pretty in her new pink sweater. When we were shopping in November she wanted to buy this sweater but decided she wouldn't. It was the perfect opportunity for me to go back and get it for her.

Joy got these cool Fiesta Ware glasses. I had admired them when shopping so Mary remembered and got those for me. Thank you Mary - I love them. She knows I also love Yankee candles.

Mikaela got a game of kid charades. We didn't wait long to play - a really fun time was had as we acted out various things. In fact we were so good at this game that not once did we get stumped.

Mikaela really got into this - she is a super good charader. As you can see this was a three word clue.

Katelyn was creative in her clue giving.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Joy and Dan,
You're the only cousin I know who has a blog... and I just learned about it in your Christmas letter. Hey, thanks for it and the picture of your family. So nice to put faces with names. And then, here I see lots more pictures of your children, as well as Mary and Dee's family. So fun. Thanks.

I am particularly stuck with the line in your opening paragraph of your Christmas letter, "Beyond providing our redemption we have been blessed in ways too numerous to count...." What an encouraing statement. Thanks.

Keep writing and posting pictures.

Ron (for Ruth, too)

PS Our Christopher and Jackie are expecting first grandchild in February. See their blog, Our daughter, Sharalyn, is in Tacoma, works downtown in an engineering firm (administrator), and takes private voice. Recently she had a part in the Bellevue Opera (east of Seattle), in Hansel and Gretel. Much fun for her, and for us.

Joy said...

Thanks for your comment, it is always such fun to connect with family. Congratulations on becoming grandparents. It is one of the biggest blessings to me. I took a look at Christopher and Jackie's blog and will enjoy following them. My girls each have a blog also, there is a link on my blog to theirs. Take care and have a great Christmas.