Friday, November 7, 2008

We Are Truly Empty Nesters

Yesterday was a big day in Kathryn's life as she closed on her first home and moved in on the same day. She bought a cute house in Albert Lea with a view of the lake. With a couple of pick-up loads and our van she was able to get her things moved in.
Kathryn found a piano on Craiglist and was able to purchase it with money she had received as a graduation gift. The cost of the piano and the amount of the gift were exaclty the same.

Her dining room has two of these built in hutches.

We got her pots and pans unpacked and put away on these pull outs in her cupboard.Her living room has some nice built ins for entertainment enjoyment. When you look out these windows there is a nice view of the lake.

After a long day having a made up bed is very comforting.

Dan was checking out the "relaxing factor"of her new home.

When I got up this morning it was still a little dusky outside but the snow was falling and I caught a few pictures. It was very still and so pretty.

A beautiful morning. Thank you God for your creative beauty!

1 comment:

isddarms said...

It's really funny to hear her talking about what a great store Home Depot is.