Tuesday, May 5, 2009

6th Week Before Summer Break

Well the time is going by and if I am not careful I will be writing the next chapter of this blog. Since 4th quarter is so exciting (yawn) I wouldn't want you to miss out on a single thing. Actually during the week I was pretty worn out and didn't do a whole lot of anything. Thursday night is piano lesson night for Mikaela and on occasion the rest of her family join us afterward for supper. That was the case this past week and Kathryn and Brian were able to be here.

Elise discovered this little bench that I keep in the kitchen and thought it was great fun to sit on. It was just her size.

This past Saturday we attended the production of Annie put on by a theater group in Plainview. It was nicely done and I enjoyed getting out to do something fun. I had never seen this story before so enjoyed the songs and the young girls that were in it did a great job. Miss Hannigan also was great and really reminded me of a friend from church. The middle school students at Friedell will be presenting this play the first weekend of June so I will look forward to seeing it again. We wrapped up the day with dinner at home. Sunday, or course, is always a busy day and we participated in the activities at church and enjoyed an evening concert presented by the Gospelmen Quartet.

The flowers are continuing to bloom, the trees are putting out their baby leaves and the frogs in the pond have begun their chorus along with the sounds of the various birds. It is all so comforting and refreshing.

This is our maple tree that I am tracking the growth on. It seems to be a real "slow bloomer", some our our newer trees are getting their leaves much faster. It is coming though - slow but sure.

Little grape hyacinth that are popping up. I remember these from my childhood home. I see a dandelion too :-(.

Cheery daffodils - they just make you smile.

The tulips are really starting to bloom, how pretty they are.

This is my favorite species of tulip. Their leaves and petals are ruffly.

The colors, textures, shapes and smells. Who can deny the existence of a great and mighty creator?

Come back again next week and catch the next chapter in 4th quarter.

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