Saturday, March 14, 2009

Where Does the Time Go?

It has been several weeks now since I last posted partly because we haven't done much that is really post worthy and partly because the time has seem to just fly away. I am getting most anxious for some warmer weather and have hunkered down and am just waiting for that to happen. Life does go on even while waiting so I will document some of the random things we have been doing.

Dan's foot has continued to heal and of this day he is still in a boot and on crutches. It has been six weeks since surgery and he sees the doctor on Monday. We are planning that everything will be healed up and he will get to start walking on his foot again. It is hard to believe but he is a little hesitant to walk on that foot now.

Mikaela came one weekend and stayed with us while Denise was out of town and Tommy had class in the cities. She had picked a recipe out of a cookbook and we made some cream cheese bars. We did a little shopping that weekend and had a good time together.

We started out with a chocolate cookie crust. She ground up the cookies and we spread them out in the pan.

We mixed the cream cheese in the mixer with the eggs and sweetened condensed milk.

We reserved some out to make the chocolate part and then swirled them together.

The finished product - they turned out really good and actually got better as the aged a bit.

A perk of being the cook is getting to lick the beater - yum yum.

Rochester Better Chance had their annual gala on March 6th and we watched the girls while Tommy and Denise attended the event. We went over to their house and took Mikaela's favorite meal, Valentino lasagna, and spent the evening playing. Elise entertained us with her antics.

This weekend Brian invited Nichole and Isaac to come to Rochester and we were able to meet them. We have enjoyed their visit and the rest of the family came over this evening for dinner. We had a good meal and enjoyed being together.

That wraps up the last month in a nutshell. God has been good in so many ways to our family and I am grateful for his love and mercy shown everyday. Next weekend we will celebrate Mikaela's 9th birthday. Fun and more fun!

1 comment:

Katybug19 said...

Isaac and Ellie look pretty cute sitting on the fireplace!! They seemed to get along pretty good together.