Sunday, February 15, 2009

Spice and Sugar - A Perfect Combination for Valentine's Day

Saturday, a wonderful day for sleeping in. Often what happens on Saturday morning is that I will wake up at about the time I normally get up so when I looked at the clock and it said 5:10 it was especially nice to lay in bed a little longer. As it turned out it was close to 8:00 before I actually got up. I LOVE Saturday mornings when I can sit and have my coffee and read my Bible and just ease into the day. That is exactly how my day started and it was wonderful.

The Spice
Since Dan had his foot surgery getting out has consisted of going to the doctor or the emergency room so we decided to get lunch somewhere and settled on Carlo's O'Kelly, one of our favorite places and thus the spicy part of my day. We left around 11:30, got a table right away and enjoyed a wonderful lunch. By the time we left there was a wait so we were glad we went early. I stopped at the grocery store and picked up a few things and that was the extent of our outing but it was fun to get out and do something together.

The Sugar

In the evening Mikaela and Elise came to spend the evening while Tom and Denise got together for a fondue dinner with some friends just up the street. While they were dipping we were frosting and doing a little dipping ourselves. I had made Valentine cookies ahead of time and we decorated them with either pink, purple, or turquoise frosting and sprinkled and with a wide variety of sugars and little decorations. We also dipped pretzels and decorated them. Thus the sugar part of my Valentines day. I enjoyed seeing the girls and I hope they had a good time.

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