Friday, January 16, 2009

Brian: Before, During and After

During the last several years Brian has often had a beard and various lengths of hair. This is partly due to his many hiking adventures during which it is would be hard to shave not to mention it would negate the mountain man image. A beard also comes in handy during a Minnesota winter to protect the face from the elements.

Unfortunately for his beard, it was dealt a fatal blow this past week. Brian enrolled in two classes this semester, Firefighter 1 and EMT, with the goal of perhaps joining a fire department someday. His instructor looked around the class and said that beards would have to be shaved and that meant -----you. So, today the transformation took place.

Brian this morning

This look may be a result of eating at HuHot for lunch.

The Final Look

This is the one that I like the best. His dimple is again visible. Which one do you like?


Anonymous said...

What a handsome young fellow! If I needed rescuing, I'd want him to do it!

Katybug19 said...

All I know is that the middle picture is scary!!!! Glad Brian didn't go for that look long term!

Anonymous said...

I like the last one with a little bit longer hair length :)

p.s. Mikaela is getting so big and looks a lot like Denise
(beautiful eyes):)