Thursday, January 29, 2009

This and That

Easing into Saturday morning.

Last Friday night Mikaela spent the night at our house. We had a ladies breakfast at church the next morning and the younger girls were invited to come along. We were going to make wordless book bracelets to hand out next summer at the fair. I know that Mikaela enjoys doing crafty things so I asked her if she wanted to go along and she did.
Putting the beads on the Wordless Book bracelets.

After breakfast we came back home to hang out for a while. She enjoys making cookies but my oven is out of commision and so we had to come up with something that did not require baking. No bake cookies fit the criteria and that is what we made although the oatmeal was in short supply. We were able to adjust the recipe to fit the amount of oatmeal and they turned out wonderfully.

No Bake cookie - perfect recipe for a broken oven

Thursday night is piano lesson night for Mikaela and afterward her family joined her here for supper. It is hard to believe that January is almost gone and we really hadn't gotten together since the holidays. We had some sloppy joes and enjoyed hanging out for the evening.

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