Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Family Dinner and Kathryn Cooked - Yeah

This past weekend when Kathryn was on her four days off she invited the family to her house for dinner. This was our first meal in her new house. We had been planning on this for several days and when the time came the weather decided to be a little bit of a challenge. We were suppose to get freezing rain starting during the early evening hours. Because of the forecast we decided to go over earlier in the afternoon so that we could have some time together and still get on the road back home before it got too late. As it turned out we only got a few blocks from home when it started misting but decided to keep going. We witnessed many cars in the ditch and one van completely flipped over. The interstate was really slick but by going slow we made it there with no problem.

Tommy and Maggie watching a little football.

Dan and Brian relaxing after a good meal

Getting in a little bit of Grandma time.

We had a nice dinner of Savory Chicken Squares, green bean casserole, and a yummy fruit salad. We watched some football on TV, I did some knitting, played some games, enjoyed brownie sundaes, and were entertained by Elise. She used some of Kathryn's possesions as unusual toys but it kept her happy.

Elise entertaining us with a song and dance.

Kathryn and Elise "playing" together.

Ahhh, a little ice cream.

Looks like a discussion of some kind going on here.

Mikaela's turn at Taboo.

Freezing rain was coming down the whole time we were there so we wound things up a little early and headed out to the ice covered roads. Actually they were much better coming home as the sanding trucks had been out so it only took us a little longer than usual to get back to Rochester. God was good to keep us safe and let us enjoy a family evening together in spite of the bad weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time! I would love to visit you guys sometime and see Kathryn's house!

p.s. a friend is going to teach me how to knit soon :) i'm excited!