Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day Trip to Albert Lea

Since the beginning of the summer I have had intentions of going to spend the night with Kathryn in Albert Lea. After turning the calendar over to August I decided that it was time to get going.  I happened to pick the very day the Freeborn County fair opened, lucky me.

I arrived mid afternoon and shortly after that we made our way to the fair. Now most people drive their cars to the fair and find a place to park them. Kathryn lives very close to the fair and it is easily walking distance. We did walk home but I received the most unique ride inside the gates that I could ever imagine. Starting out at the fair Yes, I rode in the Albert Lea ambulance to go to the fair. Kathryn is a paramedic and works on the ambulance and during fair week the ambulance and team are always on site. The team was just returning from a call and so they stopped and picked us up. I didn't get to go with sirens or lights but it still was pretty cool.

Ambulance ride to the fair The space in the back of an ambulance has all kinds of nooks and storage places for supplies.

Our drivers Thanks guys for the ride - It was great.

Nitro Ice Cream We walked through the commercial building and found a nitro ice cream stand. They gave me a generous sample and I was hooked. We went back before leaving and Kathryn and I shared a dish. YUMMY. It is a very smooth and creamy ice cream, firm yet soft if that makes any sense.

Square Dancers We watched some square dancing while we ate our ice cream and then walked home shortly after.

After hanging out at Kathryn's for a while we grilled a steak with some corn on the cob and enjoyed a walk around part of the lake. It was a very fun evening.

I had to leave early the next morning to return to Rochester to help out at our VBS so our time of fun was over.

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