Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dan's Birthday

We had a great family time for Dan's birthday this year. It was Dan's desire to go to the arboretum to see the different flowers and shrubs that they have there and then to have dinner at Buca's. Dan's mom told us that she was coming to visit friends in Waterloo and that she was planning on spending some time with us too which happened to be during that week so she went to the arboretum with us.

Dan's BD - 006 We saw lots of beautiful flowers.Dan's BD - 012 Some cool arrangements in pots

Dan's BD - 020 A cool tree with these big seed pods

Dan's BD - 027 Neat water falls

Dan's BD - 039 I really liked these.

Dan's BD - 072 A shrub with blue berries on it.

Dan's BD - 088 A turkey.

Dan's BD - 051 A really cool quilt which they are raffling off in September. I actually bought a raffle ticket so maybe this will be displayed in my house come September. If it becomes mine I plan to make a Northwood's bedroom for my guests when they visit.

After touring the Arboretum we met at Buca's where the family all joined us for a great dinner together.

Dan's BD - 053

Dan's BD - 054

We were seated at the pope table - having him join us was a little weird.

Dan's BD - 055

bDan's BD - 058 Happy Birthday Dan

That evening everyone came to our house to hang out. It was a very fun day.

Dan's BD - 108 Dan's BD - 099The little kids had a great time together too.

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