Monday, April 13, 2009

9th Week Before Summer Break

This past week was super busy getting back into the groove of going to work and getting ready for Easter. The weather was quite lovely this past week and it feels like spring might actually make an appearance. Just for the fun of it I took some pictures of the trees though at this time they still are bare but will try to track their progress. The tulips are popping up, the crocus are blooming and many other signs of life are happening in nature - Praise God in always being faithful to bring us spring.
To add to the spring aura Dan brought me flowers at work early in the week. It was so refreshing to see the beautiful colors and was very thoughtful of him. Thank you Dan!!!

It was nice enough on Saturday to actually have the first bon fire of the season. Oh, the smell of wood smoke was a delightful fragrance.

We also received some good news regarding Dan's progress in being able to walk on his foot once again. He had an appoinment this morning and Dr. gave him the go ahead to bear weight but he is suppose to wear his boot for another 4 weeks. This surgery is becoming a much longer ordeal than he or I originally thought but we are thankful for the added mobility.

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