Sunday, April 19, 2009

8th Week Before Summer Break

How blessed we were this past week to enjoy some beautiful warm and sunny days. It was such a nice taste of summer which has left me just wanting more. The days this past week just seemed to fly by and the weekend has come and nearly gone. We started out the week on Monday morning going to the clinic to have a visit with Dan's foot surgeon. We got a good report and he was able to shed his crutches and bear weight on his foot. His week also included a couple trips to the lab to have his blood checked due to the blood thinning drugs he is taking to reduce the clot in his leg. It first was too low and then too high so now he is in the process of fine tuning the dosage.

Fast forward to Saturday when I spent some time outside picking up trash that had blown down our way through the winter. I stuck my camera in my pocket and got some pictures of some of the signs of spring that are popping up. It was so delightful to be outside and enjoy the day. We topped off the day with putting some chicken on the grill which was so delicious.

I am checking this particular branch on the Maple tree to monitor bud and leaf growth. Stay tuned to watch as it progresses through the next couple weeks.

We know that when the Minnesota Twins start playing that spring is here. The Moody family went to a game this past weekend and Ellie went decked out in her Twins wear.

1 comment:

Katybug19 said...

I love the signs of spring... I particularly like the duck on the pond.

I can't believe Ellie - she looks so big in those pictures!!