Tuesday, April 28, 2009

7th Week Before Summer Break

Can you tell that I am looking forward to summer break? The weather is turning nice, the flowers are coming up, the sun is rising early and I have a yearning to grab my coffee, my Bible study and sit on the deck, listen to the birds sing and enjoy the morning. Until that time I am continuing to keep on keeping on.
I had a wonderful time getting together with my "lunch bunch" for supper one evening last week. We went to Canadian Honker and enjoyed good food and visiting. Teri brought some angel food cake with chocolate fluffy topping for my birthday dessert. The restaurant was so gracious to let us enjoy it at our table.

The week continued on with work, MCA tests, laundry, grocery shopping, Mikaela's piano lesson and supper with the kids. Friday evening and Saturday Denise and I attended the women's conference at Autumn Ridge "Fresh Grounded Faith". It was a fun time and I enjoyed Denise's company.

My birthday was on Sunday but the family celebrated on Saturday night at Buca Di Peppo for supper. I had never been there before but had heard great things and the rumors proved to be true. We ordered a couple different appetizers, entrees and salads. It was all so delicious and we had a lot of fun. I am sorry I don't have pictures of the great food to post but it would just make you hungry.

That pretty much wraps up the 7th week before summer break.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

8th Week Before Summer Break

How blessed we were this past week to enjoy some beautiful warm and sunny days. It was such a nice taste of summer which has left me just wanting more. The days this past week just seemed to fly by and the weekend has come and nearly gone. We started out the week on Monday morning going to the clinic to have a visit with Dan's foot surgeon. We got a good report and he was able to shed his crutches and bear weight on his foot. His week also included a couple trips to the lab to have his blood checked due to the blood thinning drugs he is taking to reduce the clot in his leg. It first was too low and then too high so now he is in the process of fine tuning the dosage.

Fast forward to Saturday when I spent some time outside picking up trash that had blown down our way through the winter. I stuck my camera in my pocket and got some pictures of some of the signs of spring that are popping up. It was so delightful to be outside and enjoy the day. We topped off the day with putting some chicken on the grill which was so delicious.

I am checking this particular branch on the Maple tree to monitor bud and leaf growth. Stay tuned to watch as it progresses through the next couple weeks.

We know that when the Minnesota Twins start playing that spring is here. The Moody family went to a game this past weekend and Ellie went decked out in her Twins wear.

Monday, April 13, 2009

9th Week Before Summer Break

This past week was super busy getting back into the groove of going to work and getting ready for Easter. The weather was quite lovely this past week and it feels like spring might actually make an appearance. Just for the fun of it I took some pictures of the trees though at this time they still are bare but will try to track their progress. The tulips are popping up, the crocus are blooming and many other signs of life are happening in nature - Praise God in always being faithful to bring us spring.
To add to the spring aura Dan brought me flowers at work early in the week. It was so refreshing to see the beautiful colors and was very thoughtful of him. Thank you Dan!!!

It was nice enough on Saturday to actually have the first bon fire of the season. Oh, the smell of wood smoke was a delightful fragrance.

We also received some good news regarding Dan's progress in being able to walk on his foot once again. He had an appoinment this morning and Dr. gave him the go ahead to bear weight but he is suppose to wear his boot for another 4 weeks. This surgery is becoming a much longer ordeal than he or I originally thought but we are thankful for the added mobility.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break

The last week in March rolled around and that meant it was time for spring break. It was nice to get the break in the school year and have a chance to catch up. I enjoyed sleeping in, going out for lunch, having coffee with a friend, spending time with the kids and just generally not having to be somewhere every morning. On Saturday we went to Albert Lea and met Mary, Dee, Kody and Renee at Kathryn's house. We had lunch together and hung out for a couple hours. It was fun. They were exchanging cars with Renee and it was a nice half way place for them to meet.

On Thursday Dan had a Dr. appointment because of some swelling in his leg and it was discovered through an ultra sound that he has a blood clot in his leg. He has to give himself Heparin shots and will be taking coumadin for a few months trying to dissolve the clot. It seems he is going for the record in complications from bunions. Hopefully the end is in sight. He goes back to the Dr. next Monday and we are praying that his foot will be healed enough to bear weight on it and he can get moving again.