Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Walking Toy Was A Hit!

This past weekend Tom, Denise and the girls came over for supper. We grilled and the supper was really good. Afterward Ellie demonstrated her developing skills at walking, she is actually taking her sweet time about it too. I had saved a toy that Mikaela had that you can walk behind and she was quite excited when I got it out for her. It was a little slippery on the hard wood floors so we took it downstairs and she trotted back and forth several times before deciding it was more fun to climb on the stairs.

1 comment:

Katybug19 said...

oh i miss Ellie!!!!! And everyone, but looking at this picture makes me a little homesick. I bought Ellie a present today. Still not sure what to get Kia, but I found the perfect gift for Elise!!