Saturday, October 18, 2008

MEA Break - What Joy

It has been a refreshing time to step back and have a few days of rest and catching up. Having a break that is not connected with a holiday is truly a time when there are not other expectations to uphold. In past years we have taken at least one of the days and had a little fun away from home but decided that this year I wanted to just be at home. I was able to catch up here a little, finish the book I had been reading, have lunch on Friday with kids, and do a little bit of sewing. The quilt I started this summer is waiting for its borders and I was able to get a start on them. The way I figure it the border has something like 475 different pieces of fabric sewn together and mind you it is just a wall hanging. I do like the looks of it so it is worth the effort. I will be sure to post a picture when I get it finished but don't hold your breath it might be a while. As Saturday has dawned the break is half over and there are activites planned for the rest of the weekend. Tomorrow we will be celebrating Kathryn's 24th birthday and Tommy's 31st. That will be a lot of candles on the cake and a lot of fun too. God is good.

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