Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Welcome to Joy Notes

This past year I became familiar with blogging from my daughter Denise and I really have enjoyed reading hers and other blogs as a result. I thought it is such a cool way to share what is going on that I decided to jump on the bandwagon and create one too.

This past weekend Denise, Kathryn, and I went to the Twin Cities to attend a Living Proof Live conference at the Target center. This was part of their Christmas present last year. Beth Moore presented three sessions on the theme "Between a Rock and a Hard Place". I had a lot of fun and enjoyed the conference. I managed to not get too lost with the help of my good navigators. I especially liked Beth's admonition that children should listen to their mothers regarding "keeping us informed of your whereabouts especially when they are going off in the wilderness to go on a hike". Of course that comment preceded her telling about the individual who got trapped with a 8 ton boulder in a narrow climbing space and ended up amputating his arm after 8 days. I have no idea why I would pick up on that particular comment. There is a spiritual application here in case you were wondering. She had a lot of other good things to say also and I was blessed to spend some time reflecting on the great God that we have.

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