Thursday, July 16, 2009


What you say is that? Well, it is the name of the resort that we visited this past weekend at the invitation of my cousin, Sandy and her husband Jim. It is near Grand Rapids, MN. on beautiful Lake Wabana. We arrived on Sunday evening and stayed until Tuesday and had a wonderful visit with them. 024

Sandy and I grew up together and have been good friends our whole life.


Jeremy and Kara are the newlyweds that were visiting from Canada. Jeremy is Jim and Sandy's youngest. They are preparing for missionary service in the near future.

Enjoying a beautiful day

We enjoyed a beautiful day with lots of sun but as you can tell from the jackets and blankets that it was rather cool.

030We enjoyed a game about beans (can't remember the name). It must have been beginners luck because I came in 2nd. Maybe they just helped out an ignorant bean farmer and that is why. When it comes to strategy, well let's just say it is not my strong suit.

Ducky Daycare There were lots of ducks on this lake as well as loons. We looked out and saw one mama duck with 20 little duckling following right behind here. We decided that this had to be a ducky daycare.

Relaxing in the sunJust enjoying a relaxing day and then moving into a great evening.

Around the campfire Enjoying the fire Fountain display Beautiful fire          Beautiful Lake Wabana We ended up the day enjoying a wonderful sunset and a nice warm bon fire. I learned about a new snack roasted in the bon fire - bananas with marshmallows and chocolate all cooked together - Very yummy - thanks Jim and also enjoyed a russet potato cooked in the fire with a little butter and sea salt. Life is good.

Thank you Jim and Sandy for the invitation and guys don't forget we still haven't finished that Eucher game - something to look forward to.

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