The day is new, there is nothing pressing , it is unusually cool for July and all is peaceful. Dan and I started the day by going for a walk right behind our house. I just love that I can get "to the woods" on foot and it seems each time I go I discover something new. This walk did not disappoint.
I tied up my shoes and headed out the door, stopping at my own flower bed on the way out.
On down the hill to the wild flowers. These flowers are "Mexican Hat" flowers and it is easy to see why.
The neighbor behind us has a whole field of Black Eyed Susan's. This is a new field and we are enjoying their first year of producing.
The following pictures are a scan of one huge tree.
We explored down a little trail we had never been before and came across this very huge tree. I believe it is as big as I have ever seen. It has seen a blizzard or two, many birds have enjoyed it's branches, and I wonder about the little boys that have played in and under it.
, A little patch of wild flowers that we found on the edge of the woods. Does anyone know what they are?
Back at home I had to take a shot of the coreopsis blooming in my back yard. What a delightful time we had.