Saturday, March 6, 2010

The First Week of March - Kind of Busy

The weeks kind of fly by and activities blend into each other and so while I am thinking about this last week just thought I will put down some of the things that happened.

On Monday Kathryn came over to introduce us to Daisy. She joined the family just this past week. She is just a little ball of fluff and is still a tad wobbly on her feet.

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Our next big event was the Better Chance Gala. This event is the major fund raiser for the organization and Tom and Denise and family were there with bells on their toes. Besides being a very enjoyable evening it was rewarding to see the success of our children in the opportunity they have of being resident directors and having an influence on the lives of teenage boys as well as watching them raise their daughters. I pray God's blessings and strength upon them as they undertake this huge job. 


Lastly, the weather is starting to warm up a bit and snow is melting finally. We have a flower bed that is up next to the house and this is what I found just today. Yes, there is hope that winter is leaving and summer is coming. Of course, how could I doubt because I believe in a faithful God who has promised that day will always follow night and that seasons will not cease to exist. Thank you God for spring.IMG_0215IMG_0217


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