Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Days

Ah, does one ever get over the thrill of an unexpected snow day? When is comes as a surprise it is especially nice. I woke up this morning and went about my usual routine of getting ready to go to work. As the coffee was brewing I sat down to look at the computer and get ready to do my morning Bible study. For some reason I could not get my computer to connect to the internet. After wasting more time than I really had I finally connected and eventually went to the weather page of our local TV station. I was so surprised to see that our district had closed. We are usually the last to close but this AM it seems we beat out many of the smaller districts around. I was hoping for a 2 hour delay at the most. What a delight to now take my time and to really enjoy my Bible study.

My Bible study today was in the book of Jeremiah, the prophet, specifically during the time of Nebuchadnezzar where he is called God's "servant". This week it has focused in on the sovereignty of God. We have heard of King Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon who is known for many things: His dreams and visions, throwing Daniel and his three friends into the fiery furnace, the golden head in the statue, and that he spent 7 years of his life living as a beast of the field. Who can deny that God sets up kings and kingdoms and that they do his bidding. What a mighty God we serve. Even Nebuchadnezzar eventually recognized God's sovereignty.

Daniel 4:37 "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride."

Well, now maybe I should go and try to clean the driveway off. Happy Snow Day!

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