Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer with Family

One of the fun things about summer time is being able to get together with family that lives far away.  We were able to enjoy a short visit with my brother Bob and niece Emily for a short time just recently. They had come back to MN and spent a few days at the cabin and then made a quick stop here in Rochester. It was really good to see them again. I am disappointed that Aaron could not be here too, we really did miss seeing him.  Maybe next time the whole family can come, what fun that would be.

015 Emily and one of her buys of the week.


Hanging out together!


Our time together consisted of having dinner together, going over to Tom and Denise's new place of residence, stopping at DQ for a Blizzard and then hanging out at home. It was a really fun evening and went way too fast.

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