Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Weekend at the Cabin

One of the advantages of having a cabin is that you can decide to go without a lot of advance planning, no reservations required, just throw some food into a box and clothes in a bag and off you go. This past weekend that is just what Dan and I did. After he got off work on Thursday we set out for a couple days away.

For years we have been going the same way and for a change Dan decided to take a new route. I personally thought it was much easier, the “usual” way having way too many turns and different roads to find. In my own defense I will say that he has always been the driver and most often I could be sleeping or at least not paying much attention to the route.

As we were approaching the last leg of the trip we noticed some dark and threatening clouds that hung in the sky like a canopy. We turned on the radio and found there were tornado warnings in the area but it didn’t appear that we would be driving right into the storm. It got dark very early and ended up raining the rest of the way.


Because it was raining we wanted to quickly unpack the van and in the process noticed a little bird that kept fluttering around the door and really wasn’t too happy in the rain either. As the door was opened the opportunity to get inside was just too good and the little bird flew in low, and fast right over my head. I thought it was a bat and was actually relieved to find it was just a bird. However, I wasn’t too crazy about having a loose bird inside either. We ended up being able to trap him in the bedroom and Brian captured and released him.



I was wondering if any of my bird loving readers would know what kind of bird this is. The next day he was back fluttering around the door again – he certainly was a friendly thing.

The next day dawned and though it was chilly the sun was shining and it warmed up nicely through the morning. Since the boat was in we decided to take a little spin around the lake and see what neat things we could see. We were not disappointed.


Brian – our driver and navigator. He was already at the cabin when we arrived and stayed for a day.


Dan being the passenger.


An eagle spotting – one of the favorite things to see at the cabin. I love watching it soar, it is so majestic.


A loon spotting – there have always been loons on the lake; sometimes they have babies that are fun to watch. I love their mysteriousness and their dark, unforgettable songs.


The lily pads were blooming and nicely decorating the water.


Across the lake there used to be a resort called “The Hideaway” and as a very young child my family would vacation there. The resort is no longer in business and is privately owned but the little cabins are still standing. We have movie films of me when I was about four years old at that resort. Such memories – where have the years gone?


Our cabin is on the left rear

As evening approached the clouds were rolling in and I wanted to have a fire. We just got it started and going well when it started to rain. It was OK though as the large pine trees shed the rain. We were able to roast our hot dogs and enjoy sitting outside for a while.







I love the big trees that have grown up in the area. As you can see from the trunk how large this tree really is. I have no idea how old it is but when I look up at its gnarly old limbs I know that it has seen a good many storms and has stood the test of time.


This little baby tree is planted right next to the granddaddy tree. I think of the song “God Causes All Thing to Grow”.


On the way home we stopped at one of my favorite tourists stops.


The owner of this store is smart because there is a comfortable place for the grandpa’s to rest while the grandma’s shop.

Our last stop was at one of our favorite pizza places. We don’t have an Old Chicago in Rochester so we really enjoyed our pizza with the crispy crust, gooey stringy cheese and our favorite toppings. YUM, what a treat.


By the way, the cabin is for sale if you or anyone you know is interested.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Brian's Projects

This past fall Brian moved back to Rochester and has been living with us while taking some classes. Since he had some free time and access to woodworking tools he decided to try his hand at being creative and has learned to "whip" up some pretty cool stuff. His Grandpa was a wood worker as well, building about anything from furniture to toys. Dad is quite handy too and Mom (me) though I don't do woodworking I am certainly creative in other avenues. All this is to say I am not surprised at his natural abilities to put together some pieces of furniture.

His first project was a bread board, not just any plain bread board though.

A Chess board was next and the top of a sofa table.

Brian bought me a sofa table for Christmas from one of the furniture stores in town. Again, he duplicated the design but added his own special touch.

On the left is a table that my Dad made when he is was in high school. It was a Mother's day gift to my grandmother and is signed and dated by my father. Brian decided to make a table after the same design but with a little different twist to it. It turned out really nice. He is now in the process of making another one for a matching set.

Finished just today in the wood shop is a bookcase.

The beginning of another little end table is in the process of being created, along with another bread board. I think Brian has done a swell job and gets a gold star in my book. Yeah Brian!!

Maybe next he will make a footstool.

Remainder of the School Year

The last two weeks of school pretty much flew right by and June 9 arrived. The previous weeks had been taken up with doing inventory and finishing up the odds and ends that always pop up which helped the days go by fast.

It is customary that on the last day of school Mikaela will come and spend the morning with me in the library. Her school has always let out several days earlier than the Rochester schools and so while Denise is at work she would come and spend the morning with me. This year however, the last day of school was on a Tuesday and she is with her Dad on that day so I didn't think the tradition would hold. Lo, though, I was mistaken. One morning Tommy and the girls came for a visit. It just so happened that a couple co workers and I were going to walk to the Dairy Queen for lunch that day so Mikaela ended up staying and having lunch and spending the rest of the day being the library assistant. She was a big help scanning some books and helping me laminate some bookmarks for a teacher. It was fun for both of us.

Sitting in my chair - waiting for a customer.

Scanning some books for inventory.

Elise getting in on the action too.

I have been off work for three days now and they have been quite busy. Cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping were first on my list then came cleaning up the tulips and planting some flowers. I will post some in a few weeks after they have begun to bloom nicely.

We have had some really cool weather this last week with temps only in the 40s. One morning when I got up this was what the pond looked like. -

Happy Summertime!!