Sunday, December 27, 2009

28 Years and Not Much Has Really Changed

It was approximately 28 years and 2 months ago that we packed up our belongings and closed the Tacoma chapter of our lives. Our time in the Pacific Northwest had been an important time and now we were pressing on to see what God had in store for us. If we had written the next chapter it probably would have been different than what it actually turned out to be but God, who works all things for our good put us on a different route than we planned.

All these years had passed and we had never returned to visit the place where we had lived for 6 years but this fall we had the privilege of going back.  Some things were still surprisingly the same.

Seattle Trip 012 Majestic Mt. Rainer

Seattle Trip 014 Wonderful Friends

Seattle Trip 007  The Seminary Mansion

Seattle Trip 008  Beautiful Plants

We were looking forward to driving by our home in Tacoma and to our delight it really hadn't changed much at all

Seattle Trip 005We enjoyed this home and spent 5 years in this abode. This is what it looks like now. 


This is what it looked like in 1981. The large blossoming cherry trees are gone along with some other landscape changes, new windows and front sidewalk but the color scheme is still the same and is still recognizable as our house. It sure was fun to see.

If we would wait another 28 years to visit again, let's see, how old will we be? Umm, maybe we shouldn't wait so long next time.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

It Has Been Awhile - So Here I Go

The month of September whizzed right by and with school starting along with some other activities, blogging took a back seat. I have had many blessings and some trials but my God has seen me through and I thank Him for the mercy, love, and grace poured out on me.

A huge blessing that I want to share is the addition of four new boys to our family. They come from California and Illinois and are here living with Denise and Tom, going to school at John Marshall. They have been fun to have around and we welcome them.

Labor Day - Squirrel 007 Dontorrie, Eric, Wesley and Jorge - our newest family members.

September was a beautiful month - lots of warm, sunny weather and I enjoyed being outside. My co-worker and I ate lunch outside on the picnic table almost everyday, I enjoyed several outings on the Douglas Trail, and this past weekend ventured up to St Joseph, MN to visit Brian, Nichole and Isaac. Late summer 033 We had a small birthday celebration for Brian - his birthday was earlier in the month and we were unable to get together with him at that time.

We strolled around the Munsinger Gardens on Saturday, ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant, and harvested some milkweed for his monarch caterpillars and then headed home. It was a fun weekend.

I enjoy the changes in the scenery as the seasons progress so one day while I was out I shot some random pictures. I hope you enjoy them.Late summer 010

  Late summer 025 Late summer 020 Late summer 015 Late summer 013 Late summer 012 Late summer 006

Labor Day - Squirrel 016

I must tell you about our little squirrel friend. We happened upon him out in the field and he came right up to us, tried on numerous occasions to crawl up my pant leg, and then followed us up to the very door of our house. He has to be someone's "pet" to be so friendly. When we first saw him we thought "Oh, he is so cute", then we began to think "This is really a little scary".

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Snippets of August

I cannot believe that the month of August has disappeared. After the family birthdays in the first part of the month the rest of the days seemed to just evaporate. Here are the highlights of what I remember.

Opal and Grandgirls 005Dan's mom came to visit for a week and while she was here the grand girls came over one morning. Getting Elise to hold still for the picture was quite the challenge.

005 The Lettermen were singing at the Martin County Fair and we had an enjoyable evening of going over and listening to them sing. We had been to one of their concerts 30 some years ago. They are still singing most of the same songs. It was a very enjoyable evening.

020 The Shiners'  were having a convention in town and a parade. We picked up Mikaela and enjoyed a beautiful cool Saturday morning watching lots of grown men play with their toys.


There were several groups of bagpipers. I love their music and the quilts. They always make me think of our good friends Ron and Janelle as Ron was from Scotland.

061We had Elise one afternoon and enjoyed playing with her.

064Dan started a small project of placing a retaining wall around the front side of the house. It is pretty much finished except for the filling. I will place an update on this project when it is finished.

065 We finished up the month with having Tom and Denise along with their family for dinner one evening. For those of you who don't know, they are starting a new adventure as resident directors for Rochester Better Chance. Four high school aged boys from around the country will be living with them and attending high school here in Rochester. You will be hearing more about that as time goes on.

This is a quick look at our lives this past month. God is good.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dan's Birthday

We had a great family time for Dan's birthday this year. It was Dan's desire to go to the arboretum to see the different flowers and shrubs that they have there and then to have dinner at Buca's. Dan's mom told us that she was coming to visit friends in Waterloo and that she was planning on spending some time with us too which happened to be during that week so she went to the arboretum with us.

Dan's BD - 006 We saw lots of beautiful flowers.Dan's BD - 012 Some cool arrangements in pots

Dan's BD - 020 A cool tree with these big seed pods

Dan's BD - 027 Neat water falls

Dan's BD - 039 I really liked these.

Dan's BD - 072 A shrub with blue berries on it.

Dan's BD - 088 A turkey.

Dan's BD - 051 A really cool quilt which they are raffling off in September. I actually bought a raffle ticket so maybe this will be displayed in my house come September. If it becomes mine I plan to make a Northwood's bedroom for my guests when they visit.

After touring the Arboretum we met at Buca's where the family all joined us for a great dinner together.

Dan's BD - 053

Dan's BD - 054

We were seated at the pope table - having him join us was a little weird.

Dan's BD - 055

bDan's BD - 058 Happy Birthday Dan

That evening everyone came to our house to hang out. It was a very fun day.

Dan's BD - 108 Dan's BD - 099The little kids had a great time together too.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day Trip to Albert Lea

Since the beginning of the summer I have had intentions of going to spend the night with Kathryn in Albert Lea. After turning the calendar over to August I decided that it was time to get going.  I happened to pick the very day the Freeborn County fair opened, lucky me.

I arrived mid afternoon and shortly after that we made our way to the fair. Now most people drive their cars to the fair and find a place to park them. Kathryn lives very close to the fair and it is easily walking distance. We did walk home but I received the most unique ride inside the gates that I could ever imagine. Starting out at the fair Yes, I rode in the Albert Lea ambulance to go to the fair. Kathryn is a paramedic and works on the ambulance and during fair week the ambulance and team are always on site. The team was just returning from a call and so they stopped and picked us up. I didn't get to go with sirens or lights but it still was pretty cool.

Ambulance ride to the fair The space in the back of an ambulance has all kinds of nooks and storage places for supplies.

Our drivers Thanks guys for the ride - It was great.

Nitro Ice Cream We walked through the commercial building and found a nitro ice cream stand. They gave me a generous sample and I was hooked. We went back before leaving and Kathryn and I shared a dish. YUMMY. It is a very smooth and creamy ice cream, firm yet soft if that makes any sense.

Square Dancers We watched some square dancing while we ate our ice cream and then walked home shortly after.

After hanging out at Kathryn's for a while we grilled a steak with some corn on the cob and enjoyed a walk around part of the lake. It was a very fun evening.

I had to leave early the next morning to return to Rochester to help out at our VBS so our time of fun was over.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Birthday Season Has Begun

This past weekend we kicked off the season of birthdays in the Arm's family. Elise turned 2 and Denise turned 32 so of course it was time for a party. Not wanting Denise to loose the distinction of her birthday we actually had two parties in the same day. Birthday Parties 001 We met at Dos Amigos for lunch and since it was such a beautiful day we were able to eat on the patio.

Birthday Parties 002 Eating at a Mexican restaurant of course mean having chips and salsa.

We enjoyed a time of visiting and Denise opened presents from our family and then we all headed in our own direction to rest up for the big party that night.

We gathered at the Moody home later in the day and enjoyed the company of many friends.

Dueling Pianist Isaac and Elise were playing a little pre dinner music for us.

Birthday Parties 033

We enjoyed a delicious Dora cake

Birthday Parties 035 Elise went right into her cake, at least the frosting anyway.

Birthday Parties 043 The new potty chair was a big hit. She wanted it right out of the box and sat right down.

Birthday Parties 053 The water table was loads of fun too.

We are so very thankful for the family God has given to us. We wish both Denise and Elise a very happy birthday and that they will be blessed in the coming year.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

35 Years - Now That Is a Long Time!

Very recently Dan and I had the happy occasion of celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary. I frankly never thought I would be old enough to do such a thing but believe it or not I am.

We talked about it a week or so before and it was decided that we would take a little get-away trip. We left on Sunday morning and made our way to Wisconsin, stopping in Eau Claire to see a musical production at the State Theater. The acting and dancing were exceptional.

We continued down the road, meandered through construction and finally came to our place of lodging. Dan and Sign It truly did live up to its name as our view was very pleasant.Pleasant View B&B

This is our B&B tucked back in the trees on Lake Wisota.View from room - Lake Wisoto The view from our patioView with sailboat A sailboat on the lakeView from side Steps down to the dock - they went down quite a ways. View View of the Lake

Room at B&B We stayed in the Winds and Waves room. It had a really comfy king sized bed.

After settling in we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner and then came back and enjoyed a walk. Sunset The sun was reflecting on the water and was so pretty.Rainblow We did walk right into a little shower and got slightly damp. The positive side is that we got to enjoy a beautiful, full rainbow. Of course that rainbow reminded me of God's great love and faithfulness and the promise He made to Noah. I cannot praise God enough for His faithfulness to me.

Breakfast In the morning we were served a nice breakfast. Shortly after breakfast we packed up and headed home.

Got my CoffeeHaving a cup of coffee made me a happy camper. We enjoyed a wonderful 35th anniversary and give God the glory for all he has done in our lives.